Everybods Performance Scores︎︎︎
From Everybodys Performance Scores. pp20
Mette Edvardsen
Inspiration for his score 50/50: A series of questions that the work evolved around
- What are affects and how can they be an object of investigation, can they be produced/constructed or are they a kind of bi-product?
- What is the difference between affect and affections/emotions?
- Is it possible to decompose expressivity in such a way that it recomposes itself outside of the usual categories of expression?- So, using the old to make the new?
- What kind of movement propositions produces material that expresses without producing a clear ‘expressed’, represented, or signified?
- How can the body be understood as something else that a linguistic system, or what happens to representation when the construction is not about concrete readability (language/body+)?
- How can sensation, kinaesthetic experience transfer without an actual point of contact?
- How is it possible to work on qualitative states, speed, intensity and force?
- How do you discipline the body to be body?
- How do you produce a body that is capable of shifting between different kinds of expression?
- Why are the hands and face more expressive that the lower arm?
- What notions of virtuosity does opera propose and how can they be refined?
- What kind of relationships can be made in between opera, codification, expression and movement?
Mette Edvardsen
Inspiration for his score 50/50: A series of questions that the work evolved around
- What are affects and how can they be an object of investigation, can they be produced/constructed or are they a kind of bi-product?
- What is the difference between affect and affections/emotions?
- Is it possible to decompose expressivity in such a way that it recomposes itself outside of the usual categories of expression?- So, using the old to make the new?
- What kind of movement propositions produces material that expresses without producing a clear ‘expressed’, represented, or signified?
- How can the body be understood as something else that a linguistic system, or what happens to representation when the construction is not about concrete readability (language/body+)?
- How can sensation, kinaesthetic experience transfer without an actual point of contact?
- How is it possible to work on qualitative states, speed, intensity and force?
- How do you discipline the body to be body?
- How do you produce a body that is capable of shifting between different kinds of expression?
- Why are the hands and face more expressive that the lower arm?
- What notions of virtuosity does opera propose and how can they be refined?
- What kind of relationships can be made in between opera, codification, expression and movement?
︎︎︎from Mette Edvardsen